Budin Toe Splint

The Budin Toe Splint is used to help align toes, overlapping toes, flexible hammer toes and claw toes. They can also be used for issues withe the plantar plate. The Budin Toe splint is named after a podiatrist, Dr Harry Budin

Toe Straighteners

Toe straighteners, toe correctors, toe spacers, correct toes, etc are commonly used to treat a wide range of forefoot and toe problems associated with alignment issues with the toes. For more on toe straighteners, see:https://www.footstore.com.au/product/toe-straightener-2-sets/https://podiatryfaq.com/knowledge-base/how-to-use-a-toe-straightener/Correct the toes: ‘Toe Corrector’ or ‘Toe Straightener’?