Freiberg’s Disease

Freiberg’s disease, also known as Freiberg infraction or osteochondrosis of the metatarsal head, is a relatively rare condition that primarily affects the second metatarsal bone in the foot. It is a form of osteochondrosis, which involves the disruption of blood supply to a bone, leading to the death of bone tissue (avascular necrosis) and subsequent degeneration.
Freiberg’s disease is characterized by:
Treatment options for Freiberg’s disease can range from conservative approaches like rest, activity modification, and orthotic devices to surgical interventions in more severe cases. The choice of treatment depends on the severity of symptoms and the stage of the condition at the time of diagnosis. Early intervention is generally preferred to prevent further damage to the affected bone and joint.
Freiberg’s disease
Rigid Inserts for Freiberg’s disease
Treatment of Freiberg’s disease with rigid foot plates
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